Why should I sow into The Faith Church Ministry?
The heart and mission of The Faith Church Ministry is sharing – reaching the world with the love of Jesus Christ. We are many members, one body, working together to accomplish our goal (Romans 12:4-5). Over the years, we have opened our doors as a hospitality center to hundreds and have endeavored to allow the river of God’s presence, healing, deliverance, and restoration to flow.
Your financial gifts help us continue to reach the world with the Gospel for generations to come. You are a sharer in this mission and a partner of a great harvest of blessings. Your gift is seed sown into good, productive soil (Mark 4). Thank you!
Seed Offering

The Faith Church is an inter-denominational, not-for-profit corporation. Your gifts are tax deductible and are used to fund the operations of the ministry.
For Paypal/credit/debit card transacions feel free to select the donate button below. All checks and money orders can be mailed to The Faith Church, 3919 Lafayette Rd Indianapolis, IN 46254. Thank you for your seed!